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136 Victoria Avenue, Cnr. of Stanley Street, Chatswood 2067.
Monday to Friday: 8.00am – 5.30pm

Ask the mechanic: How do I maintain my tyres?

It is vital to maintain your vehicle's tyres, both for optimal performance and handling, as well as for on-road safety. By following these helpful tips, you will extend the life and health of your tyres, and help ensure the safety of you and your passengers.

Check Your Tyre Pressure

By checking your tyre pressure and inspecting your tyres regularly, you can help prevent problems from occurring while on the road, such as flat tyres or tyre blowouts. We recommend inspecting your tyres and checking the pressure every two weeks. Make sure to wait until your tyres are cool to check the pressure, and always check the spare too. If you notice any damage to your tyres, it is crucial that you see a tyre specialist.

Don't Over-Stress Your Tyres

Be careful not to over-stress your tyres. Over-stressing refers to either carrying an excessive load or driving too fast. If you are concerned you may have to carry heavy loads from time-to-time or drive at high speeds in certain conditions, make sure you adjust your tyre pressure to compensate.

Keep An Eye On Tread Depth

The depth of tread on your tyres affects performance and braking distance. Once your tyres become worn, you are more at risk of accidents from aquaplaning, or braking in wet or icy conditions. A good tip is to change your tyres in summer when there is 3 mm of tread remaining, or in winter when the tread reaches 4 mm.

Balance Your Tyres

Ensure you get your tyres balanced and realigned at regular intervals. This will give you a smoother driving experience, and help to minimise wear-and-tear on your tyres, as well as on your suspension. When you have tyres fitted, or if you change tyres in different conditions, it is the perfect time to have them balanced.

By following these tips, and by having your tyres checked regularly by the specialists at Reliance Auto Centre, you can help extend the life of your tyres. As a tyre centre in Sydney, we have all of your tyre and maintenance needs covered.

Photo: Dead tyres by vagawi  licensed under Creative commons 4

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