Do I need a Blue Slip?
Getting a Blue Slip for a vehicle can be part of the overall requirements for obtaining a Green Slip for vehicle registration in Sydney, New South Wales. A Blue Slip is an inspection beyond a standard Pink Slip or eSafety Check. This process includes the safety check and additional inspections.
Pink Slip or White Slip
The eSafety Check or Pink Slip is not normally required for vehicles under five years old. The report is sent electronically to Roads and Maritime Services and is valid for 42 days. A White Slip is issued when repairs are needed to meet eSafety requirements. The repairs must be made within 14 days.
If the repairs are not completed within this period, another eSafety Check must be performed, at the original cost. If the repaired vehicle is returned to the original inspection station within the 14-day period, no additional inspection fees are incurred. Pink Slip inspections are required yearly once vehicles are over five years in age.
When is a Blue Slip Required?
A Blue Slip inspection is an Authorised Unregistered Vehicle Inspection. There are several situations where this inspection is required before a vehicle receive a Green Slip or full registration. Any vehicle not currently registered in Sydney or NSW must undergo a full Blue Slip inspection before registration. In addition:
- Blue Slip inspections are required if the vehicle registration expired over three months before re-registration
- Vehicles entering NSW from any other state or county
- Any vehicle without number plates
- A vehicle written off as not repairable due to accident. The write off may be for safety or economic reasons.
To register a vehicle that was written off, the vehicle must not have any non-repairable defects under Roads and Maritime guidelines. Owners must apply to, and receive permission from Roads and Maritime before attempting to have a written off vehicle repaired. This requirement is in place to identify stolen vehicles and vehicle parts.
Blue Slip Requirements
A Blue Slip inspection includes the Pink Slip checks on tires, lights, leaks, and brakes. In addition, the safety belts, suspension, and brakes are inspected. Identification numbers are checked to ensure the vehicle or parts on the vehicle have not been stolen. The vehicle must also be up to manufacturer’s standards. This means that it must meet original design requirements.
Forms are available for download through Roads and Maritime Services. These forms include:
- Vehicle Suitable for Safe Use Declaration
- Light Vehicle Pre-Delivery Checklist – DVRS
- Declaration of Eligibility for a Registration Concession
- Application for Registration
- Adjustment of Records
Blue Slip Checklist
The Blue Slip checklist will include these items:
- The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- VIN comparison against documentation and compliance plate, which must be present
- Engine number
- Check of engine number against documentation
- Gas compliance plate and certificate
The horn, indicators, windscreen wipers, and hazard lights are inspected for operation. Modifications to the vehicle must be within the manufacturer’s original design, including the presence of an acceptable air filter. The amount of emissions is often included in the complete inspection.
Blue Slip Costs
As of July 2014, the cost of a Blue Slip inspection from an authorised station is $60.50, inclusive of GST. A Pink Slip or Vehicle Safety Check is $37.40, also inclusive of GST. The Blue Slip inspection does include everything under the Pink Slip inspection; a separate inspection is not required. Owners must ensure that they only use an authorized station. If the station is not accredited, the inspection is worthless.
The Vehicle Identification and Inspection Unit (VIIU) fee for a written off vehicle is considerably higher. For the first inspection, the total is $476. If the owner fails to show up for the appointment, or fails to cancel the appointment in a timely manner, an additional $64 is charged.
Keep in mind that other costs are involved when obtaining a Green Slip. Motor vehicle tax and other fees may apply. Do look at benefits including reductions for pensioners. Eligible pensioners may have HVIS fees, vehicle tax, and some other fees waived. Some hybrid petrol-electric vehicles benefit from a lower tax rate. The current registration fee is $62.
The only time an unregistered vehicle can be driven in Chatswood or the Sydney area is when it is being driven to or from an inspection station, or to the registry. The driver is expected to take the shortest route possible. Fines can range up to $1000 for driving an unregistered vehicle, or over $2000 if the case is taken to court. Demerit points are also issued.
Blue Slip Inspection
For a blue slip inspection, call Reliance Auto Centre at (02) 9419 2195, or make a booking online by clicking here.